Entries by Diane Bloodworth

Improving the Adoption of Sports Analytics

How do we improve adoption of sports analytics by college coaches? The answer is simple, the execution of the answer more complex. The answer to improved adoption is to incorporate the benefits of the analytics into the daily activities of the coach. Most coaches do not want to understand the intricacies of how analytics are […]

Finding Recruits that Fit and Stay

College football players now have more latitude to transfer to a different program. Increased player rights and the pandemic have resulted in more influence and options to leave a program. While in many cases a transfer provides opportunities for the player, there is usually a negative impact on the football program. Coaches are always recruiting, […]

Finding FIT

At scoutSMART, our goal is to leverage predictive analytics to help college coaches find recruits that fit their program. Based on feedback from coaches, our latest scoutSMART release adds several key data points to provide insight into athletic, academic, and culture fit. https://youtu.be/BVzM7db5lts 1. Athletic FIT New Scores: Disruptor and Ball Security Verified Height and […]